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Welcome to the Suffolk County Archives Web page. This site is maintained by the Archives Committee of the Suffolk Intergroup Association who is solely responsible for its content. Please keep in mind that, try as we may, mistakes do happen and much of what is written here has been provided to us by fellow A.A. members. Your recollections may be different than theirs and you are invited to send us your version. Also, since the group histories on this site are based on the recollections of the people who provided the information, they may contain statements and opinions held by those individuals. These statements and opinions are those of the contributors alone and should not be construed to be the opinions of the Archives Committee, Suffolk County SIA, or A.A. as a whole.
We invite all members to share their memories with us. Please do so. A memory could have happened 70 years ago or it could have happened yesterday. Both are equally important for our understanding of our wonderful history.
Although the basic Twelve Step program of Alcoholics Anonymous has not changed since 1935, our society, values and technology have. Your memories may help future generations understand the original message of Alcoholics Anonymous in its undiluted form which has helped many millions over the years find sobriety.
We maintain an Archives to prevent Alcoholics Anonymous' original message of recovery from being distorted. We have a duty to preserve the stories and artifacts so future generations may read the truth about our struggles and triumphs. Our history reminds of that one wonderful thing,gratitude.May we never forget where we came from.
The Archives Committee strictly adheres to the Twelve Traditions. We respect the anonymity of all members of Alcoholics Anonymous. We are always looking for A.A. volunteers. What a wonderful way to do service and give back to this fellowship that gave us all so much. We are looking for researchers, photographers, secretaries, typists, picture framers, file clerks, interviewers and much, much more. If you have the need to give back to Alcoholics Anonymous, the Archives Committee has a job for you.
The SIA Archives welcomes any contributions of Alcoholics Anonymous related memorabilia;old AA books, Grapevines, Suffolk Intergroup Bulletins, Suffolk County meetings lists or pre-1973 New York City meeting lists,convention programs, letters, photographs, or any artifacts connected with A.A. in Suffolk County
Some of the Groups to be found on Suffolk County Archives: